速報APP / 生活品味 / Spotlio Destination Guide

Spotlio Destination Guide





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Spotlio Destination Guide(圖1)-速報App

Download the Spotlio Destination Guide demo app and discover all the potential features in our mobile marketing apps for tourism destinations. Your own customized native apps and web app will move your active communication with the audience in your destination or resort to the next level. All the business participants in your app will profit from the direct communication capabilities of these state-of-the-art mobile marketing channels.

- Send segmented push notifications, based on geolocation, gender, age, and interests.

Spotlio Destination Guide(圖2)-速報App

- Make visitors and locals become real insiders of your destination by communicating easily to access news, deals, events and all the other daily changing information about your destination.

- Integrate Booking. The Spotlio Mobile Marketing Platform allows to integrate most booking systems and it is 100% compatible with Inntopia. Increase your online revenue by making all your sellable products available through native apps and web apps.

Spotlio Destination Guide(圖3)-速報App

- Monetize your destination offers through mobile couponing, mobile promotions and campaigns.

- Enrich your mobile resort guide with Spotlio’s popular add-on modules: GPS Tracking, Live Snow Conditions, High Definition 3D Maps, Live Weather, Webcams, Live Streaming and more.

Spotlio Destination Guide(圖4)-速報App

Download the Spotlio Destination Guide and discover how easy it is to connect with your locals and visitors!

More information at https://destinationguide.spotlio.com

Spotlio Destination Guide(圖5)-速報App